Innarnette Settlement Trade Expedition




Mana Realms' Scout has word from a traveller that there is a new settlement called Innarnette located in the Northlands a few weeks north across the sea.


This city will be willing to trade supplies for coin. Mana Realm authorizes the readying of the ship and horses, and an expedition departs at the second sunrise. Preparation should ensure they are well-equipped for the voyage.


The passage across the sea will be calm. But due to the heavy snowfall last winter. The journey across land and through the mountains will be challenging.


The expedition will have to take the alternate route through the Trixx Tunnels.

These tunnels and passageways are home to the Trixxsters. These shadow monkey-like-natured bodiless creatures are quick-witted and mischievous. They like to play tricks and games on whoever passes through their tunnels.

Watching from all sides to let their chosen victims know it's not just their own shadow that flickers on the walls of the cave from the flames of the torch. Followed by a whisper and the sensation of a spider crawling down your neck.


The trick is to hold your nerves and play along with their games, if you can. The Trixx get bored quickly.


Those who pass through should sheath their swords the blades have no purpose in these tunnels and must withdraw from using their magic if you every want to leave. The Trixx are known to turn their tunnels into a labyrinth for unfriendly travellers.


To the brave souls on this voyage may the mana guide them home safely, bringing back new goods and supplies for the merchants of Mana Realm.


The Mana is in our favour.


To the people of the Mana Realm and Outlanders, remember to check the Realm Notice Board for information on the return of the expedition with the new goods and supplies.


Art of Cartography