Celtic Triquetra and Pentacle Necklace


Pendant: Celtic Pentacle

Chain: 18 Inch Prince of Wales Rope Chain

925 Sterling Sliver: Pendant and Chain

(Amulets are not made by Mana Realm)

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Pendant: Celtic Pentacle

Chain: 18 Inch Prince of Wales Rope Chain

925 Sterling Sliver: Pendant and Chain

(Amulets are not made by Mana Realm)

Pendant: Celtic Pentacle

Chain: 18 Inch Prince of Wales Rope Chain

925 Sterling Sliver: Pendant and Chain

(Amulets are not made by Mana Realm)


Triquetra or Trinity Knot

The triquetra or trinity knot the origins of this symbol are yet to be solved the symbol certainly predates Christianity. The oldest evidence of triquetras was found in India. The symbol has and still is used in many cultures and religions. evidence of the use of the triquetra in the Germanic tribes of Northern Europe it can be found on their rune stones coins. Christians believe that the three points of the trinity knot symbolize the three elements of the holy trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pagans believe the triquetra or trinity knot is the representation of the natural elements – earth, air, and water. There are many interpretations of the triquetra or trinity knot in cooperating with a circle in the middle. In many religious rituals in cultures, a circle on its own is a powerful symbol of magic. In Wiccan rituals practitioners cast a circle before invocation to represent safety inside the circle from outside energies. in Celtic Irish replace a circle on the triquetra or trinity knot with a heart it is called the Irish Love Knot.

Pentagram and Pentacle

Pentagram and pentacle the difference, both are geometric symbols pentagram is a five-pointed star drawn with one continuous line with one point of the star pointing upwards. A pentacle is a pentagram that is enclosed by a circle. Both have similar usage pentacle is more often seen as a protective amulet, when made out of silver or gold is supposed to heighten psychic and wisdom abilities. Wiccans place Pentacles on their altar for protection warding off negative energies. Historians say the origins of these ancient symbols date back to Mesopotamia 4000 years ago used by Sumerians and Egyptians as a stellar sign. It has been proposed the pentagram was one of two symbols used on the seal of Solomon the other is a hexagram symbol a six-pointed star. The pentagram and pentacle have been used in many cultures and religions around the world ancient Chinese religion symbolizes the five elements of life, water, fire, metal and earth. Where Japanese religion symbolizes the five elements of life as Chi (earth), Sui (water), Ka (fire), Fu (wind), and Ku (void). In many cultures, the symbols are considered magical. Pentagram and pentacle are associated with occult practices and black magic inverted pentagram or pentacle two points point upwards adding a goat’s head with in the star. The two upward points represent the horns of the goat this is the Sigil of Baphomet. The Satanic Church uses the inverted pentagram and its part of their copyrighted log.

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